1995 - 2022: Digistory
From the start of my career, technology has always been an important factor in the way I see and produce my work, starting at school I learned to program code using BBC Basic in the 1980s. In the mid-1990s, personal computer technology became more accessible and I was able to start creating artworks using PC Paintbrush, a 16bit, 256-colour digital paint program for Windows 3.11 and Windows 95, digitizers were out of reach to most people so I created art using a mouse, which was very awkward, but a determined mind enabled me to construct a useful image as a means to accompany my paintings, a sort of digital colour study. As time progressed Moore's Law meant computing power would double every 18 months and I was able to enter into the 3D animation arena creating cityscapes built purely from within a virtual world. Later works have seen this develop into large-scale digital paintings with the largest dimension of up to 10 meters wide. As technology progresses the focus is leading toward the metaverse where a whole virtual world and ecosystems are created.