Square Mile, 2022, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

Square Mile(detail), 2022, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

British Museum, 2022, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

British Museum(detail), 2022, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

Saint Paul's Cathedral toward the city_1, 2022, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

Saint Paul's Cathedral toward the city_1(detail), 2022, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

Saint Paul's Cathedral toward the city_1(detail), 2022, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

Saint Paul's Cathedral toward the city_2, 2021, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm

Saint Paul's Cathedral toward the city_2(detail), 2021, Pencil on Bristol board, 21 x 29.7cm